This page is served under: and is linked to : <h2> TO DO </h2> - fix current syringe pump - 3DP middle moving part so that leadscrew is tight - fix computer vision - light source from top? works better - light source and camera from top? - calibrate camera - debug Jake's board for network machine control - you need one more stepper motor board - test to see if you can talk indepedently to each axis through the rheoprinter console - demonstrate square-wave pattern and real-time tuning of width using Nelder-Mead - do that for different material fomrulations. do it and you will get a paper <h2> DONE </h2> - fix current microscope stage - start with the mini linear axes | miniature flexible shaft couplings form SDP SI - - adding linear rails - constraints - - not side rails but lay them flat to maximize load tolerance - add constraint pins to linear rails - update CAD model - order - make a new microscope stage using your drawing inspired by the confocal's stage - CAD model - order <h2> System Components </h2> - Uscope Stage: - X linear actuator x2: - [Miniature Linear Guide + Carriage x2]( - Y linear actuator x2: - [Miniature Linear Guide + Carriage x2]( - Z linear actuator: - [15 mm wide guide rail x2]( - [Ball Bearing Carriage for 15 mm wide rail x2](