# rotary jet spinning rotary jet spinning (RJS) method for producing medium-scale quanities of nanotextiles for filter mask material. ## current projects & background ##### [Rotary Jet spinning](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3704151/) method developed by [Holly Mcllwee at Harvard Disease Biophysics Group](http://diseasebiophysics.seas.harvard.edu/research/nanotextiles/) ##### [Project 1000x1000](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aACcbkyZjR7nZy_wWeGQ9U2iGy0y4QajBeOL8RqAZIQ/edit?pli=1#) developed at [Prakash Lab at Stanford](http://web.stanford.edu/group/prakash-lab/cgi-bin/labsite/publications/) Characterization of N95 masks with SEM  > TODO: test other filter materials in the SEM ... #### FibeRio Cyclone L 1000 - industrial laboratory machine for higher volume production of nanofibers - "Forcespinning" trademark technique - [Cyclone L 1000](https://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/11/prweb4740564.htm) release, but then no website for FibeRio or equipment - where did they go? - reported to produce 12,000 g/hr