// ltv system const express = require('express') const app = express() // this include lets us read data out of put requests, const bodyparser = require('body-parser') // our fs tools, const fs = require('fs') //const filesys = require('./filesys.js') // and we occasionally spawn local pipes (workers) const child_process = require('child_process') // will use these to figure where tf we are let ownIp = '' const os = require('os') // serve everything: https://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware/serve-static.html app.use(express.static(__dirname)) // accept post bodies as json, app.use(bodyparser.json()) app.use(bodyparser.urlencoded({ extended: true })) // redirect traffic to /client, app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.redirect('/client') }) // we also want to institute some pipes: this is a holdover for a better system // more akin to nautilus, where server-side graphs are manipulated // for now, we just want to dive down to a usb port, probably, so this shallow link is OK let processes = [] app.get('/startLocal/:file', (req, res) => { // launches another node instance at this file w/ these args, let args = '' if (req.query.args) { args = req.query.args.split(',') } console.log(`attempt to start ${req.params.file} with args ${args}`) // startup, let's spawn, const process = child_process.spawn('node', ['-r', 'esm', `local/${req.params.file}`]) // add our own tag, process.fileName = req.params.file let replied = false let pack = '' process.stdout.on('data', (buf) => { // these emerge as buffers, let msg = buf.toString() // can only reply once to xhr req if (msg.includes('wss-addr:') && !replied) { res.send(msg) replied = true } // ok, dealing w/ newlines pack = pack.concat(msg) let index = pack.indexOf('\n') while (index >= 0) { console.log(`${process.fileName} ${process.pid}: ${pack.substring(0, index)}`) pack = pack.slice(index + 1) index = pack.indexOf('\n') } }) process.stderr.on('data', (err) => { if (!replied) { res.send('err in local script') replied = true } console.log(`${process.fileName} ${process.pid} err:`, err.toString()) }) process.on('close', (code) => { console.log(`${process.fileName} ${process.pid} closes:`, code) if (!replied) { res.send('local process closed') replied = true } }) console.log(`started ${process.fileName} w/ pid ${process.pid}`) }) // finally, we tell the express server to listen here: let port = 8080 app.listen(port) // once we're listening, report our IP: let ifaces = os.networkInterfaces() // this just logs the processes IP's to the termina Object.keys(ifaces).forEach(function (ifname) { var alias = 0; ifaces[ifname].forEach(function (iface) { if ('IPv4' !== iface.family) {//} || iface.internal !== false) { // skip over internal (i.e. and non-ipv4 addresses return; } ownIp = iface.address if (alias >= 1) { console.log('ltv available on: \t' /*ifname + ':' + alias,*/ + iface.address + `:${port}`); // this single interface has multiple ipv4 addresses // console.log('serving at: ' ifname + ':' + alias + iface.address + `:${port}`); } else { console.log('ltv available on:\t' /*ifname + ':' + alias,*/ + iface.address + `:${port}`); // this interface has only one ipv4 adress //console.log(ifname, iface.address); } ++alias; }); });