diff --git a/kokopelli/pcb.py b/kokopelli/pcb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d4b139020a0391e45f453c64ad91a4624b4140b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kokopelli/pcb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+import operator
+from math import cos, sin, atan2, radians, degrees, sqrt
+import koko.lib.shapes2d as s2d
+from koko.lib.text import text
+from numpy import *
+class PCB(object):
+    def __init__(self, x0, y0, width, height, chamfer_distance=0):
+        self.x0 = x0
+        self.y0 = y0
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+        self.components  = []
+        self.connections = []
+        self._cutout = None
+        self.custom_cutout = None
+        self.custom_layers = {}
+        self.chamfer_distance = chamfer_distance
+    @property
+    def traces(self):
+        L = [c.pads for c in self.components if c.side == 0] + [c.traces[0] for c in self.connections]
+        if L:
+            t = reduce(operator.add, L)
+            #L = [c.holes for c in self.components if c.holes is not None]
+            #L.extend([c.holes for c in self.connections if c.holes is not None])
+            #if L:
+            #    t = t - reduce(operator.add,L)
+            return t
+        else: return None
+    @property
+    def traces_other_side(self):
+        L = [c.pads for c in self.components if c.side == 1] + [c.traces[1] for c in self.connections if c.traces[1] is not None]
+        if L:
+            t = reduce(operator.add, L)
+            #L = [c.holes for c in self.components if c.holes is not None]
+            #L.extend([c.holes for c in self.connections if c.holes is not None])
+            #if L:
+            #    t = t - reduce(operator.add,L)
+            return t
+        else: return None        
+    @property
+    def holes(self):
+        L = [c.holes for c in self.components if c.holes is not None]
+        L.extend([c.holes for c in self.connections if c.holes is not None])
+        if L:
+            t = reduce(operator.add,L)  
+            return t
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def part_labels_top(self):
+        L = [c.label for c in self.components if c.label is not None and c.side==0]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None
+    @property
+    def part_labels_bot(self):
+        L = [c.label for c in self.components if c.label is not None and c.side==1]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None
+    @property
+    def part_shadows_top(self):
+        L = [c.shadow_shape for c in self.components if c.shadow_shape is not None and c.side==0]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None 
+    @property
+    def part_shadows_bot(self):
+        L = [c.shadow_shape for c in self.components if c.shadow_shape is not None and c.side==1]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None        
+    @property
+    def pin_labels_top(self):
+        L = [c.pin_labels for c in self.components if c.pin_labels is not None and c.side==0]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None
+    @property
+    def pin_labels_bot(self):
+        L = [c.pin_labels for c in self.components if c.pin_labels is not None and c.side==1]
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None
+    @property
+    def cutout(self):
+        if self.custom_cutout is not None:    
+            if self.holes:
+                return self.custom_cutout - self.holes
+            else: 
+                return self.custom_cutout 
+        outer = s2d.rectangle(self.x0, self.x0 + self.width,
+                             self.y0, self.y0 + self.height)
+        if self.chamfer_distance:
+            c = self.chamfer_distance
+            c1 = s2d.triangle(self.x0,self.y0,self.x0,self.y0+c,self.x0+c,self.y0)
+            c2 = s2d.triangle(self.x0+self.width,self.y0+self.height, self.x0+self.width, self.y0+self.height-c, self.x0+self.width-c, self.y0+self.height)
+            c3 = s2d.triangle(self.x0,self.y0+self.height, self.x0+c, self.y0+self.height, self.x0, self.y0+self.height-c)
+            c4 = s2d.triangle(self.x0+self.width,self.y0, self.x0+self.width-c, self.y0, self.x0+self.width, self.y0+c)
+            outer -= c1+c2+c3+c4
+        #L = [c.holes for c in self.components if c.holes is not None]
+        #L.extend([c.holes for c in self.connections if c.holes is not None])
+        return outer - self.holes if self.holes else outer
+    #@property
+    def layout(self,sides=[0,1]):
+        T = []
+        if 0 in sides:
+            if self.part_labels_top:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.part_labels_top, (125, 200, 60)))
+            if self.pin_labels_top:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.pin_labels_top, (255, 90, 60)))
+            if self.traces:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.traces-self.holes, (125, 90, 60)))
+            if self.part_shadows_top:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.part_shadows_top-self.holes,(55,55,60)))
+        if 1 in sides:
+            if self.part_labels_bot:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.part_labels_bot, (90, 60, 255)))
+            if self.pin_labels_bot:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.pin_labels_bot, (175, 30, 175)))
+            if self.traces_other_side:
+                T.append(s2d.color(self.traces_other_side-self.holes, (90, 60, 125)))
+            if self.part_shadows_bot:
+               T.append(s2d.color(self.part_shadows_bot-self.holes,(45, 30, 62)))
+        for v in sorted(self.custom_layers.values(),key=lambda v: -v['position']):
+            if v['visible']: T.append(s2d.color(v['layer'],v['color']))
+        T.append(s2d.color(self.cutout, (35,35,40)))
+        return T
+    def __iadd__(self, rhs):
+        if isinstance(rhs, Component):
+            self.components.append(rhs)
+        elif isinstance(rhs, Connection):
+            self.connections.append(rhs)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid type for PCB addition (%s)" % type(rhs))
+        return self
+    def add_custom_layer(self,name,layer,color):
+        self.custom_layers[name] = {'layer':layer,'color':color,'position':len(self.custom_layers),'visible':1}
+    def hide_layer(self,name):
+        self.custom_layers[name]['visible'] = 0
+    def connectH(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        ''' Connects a set of pins or points, traveling first
+            horizontally then vertically
+        '''
+        width = kwargs['width'] if 'width' in kwargs else 0.016
+        mode = kwargs['mode'] if 'mode' in kwargs else 'explicit'
+        sides = kwargs['sides'] if 'sides' in kwargs else [0 for a in args[:-1]]
+        new_sides = []
+        points = []
+        args = list(args)
+        for i,p in enumerate(args):
+            if not isinstance(p,BoundPin):
+                if mode=='diff':
+                    args[i] = Point(args[i-1].x+p[0],args[i-1].y+p[1])
+                elif mode=='explicit':
+                    args[i] = Point(*p)
+                else:
+                    raise NotImplementedError("Unknown mode type %s"%mode)
+        for A, B, s in zip(args[:-1], args[1:], sides):
+            points.append(A); new_sides.append(s)
+            if (A.x != B.x):
+                points.append(Point(B.x, A.y)); new_sides.append(s)
+        if A.y != B.y:  points.append(B)
+        c = Connection(width, *points, sides=new_sides)
+        self.connections.append(c)
+        return c
+    def connectV(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        ''' Connects a set of pins or points, travelling first
+            vertically then horizontally.
+        '''
+        width = kwargs['width'] if 'width' in kwargs else 0.016
+        mode = kwargs['mode'] if 'mode' in kwargs else 'explicit'
+        sides = kwargs['sides'] if 'sides' in kwargs else [0 for a in args[:-1]]
+        new_sides = []
+        points = []
+        args = list(args)
+        for i,p in enumerate(args):
+            if not isinstance(p,BoundPin):
+                if mode=='diff':
+                    args[i] = Point(args[i-1].x+p[0],args[i-1].y+p[1])
+                elif mode=='explicit':
+                    args[i] = Point(*p)
+                else:
+                    raise NotImplementedError("Unknown mode type %s"%mode)
+        for A, B, s in zip(args[:-1], args[1:], sides):
+            points.append(A); new_sides.append(s)
+            if (A.y != B.y):
+                points.append(Point(A.x, B.y)); new_sides.append(s)
+        if A.x != B.x:  points.append(B)
+        c = Connection(width, *points, sides=new_sides)
+        self.connections.append(c)
+        return c
+    def connectD(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        ''' Connects a set of pins or points, travelling first
+            diagonally then horizontally or vertically, depending on geometry.
+        '''
+        width = kwargs['width'] if 'width' in kwargs else 0.016
+        sides = kwargs['sides'] if 'sides' in kwargs else [0 for a in args[:-1]]
+        new_sides = []
+        points = []
+        def sgn(x): 
+            if x>=0: 
+                return 1 
+            else:
+                return -1
+        args = list(args)
+        for i,p in enumerate(args):
+            if not isinstance(p,BoundPin):
+                args[i] = Point(*p)
+        for A, B, s in zip(args[:-1], args[1:], sides):
+            points.append(A); new_sides.append(s)
+            if (B.y-A.y != B.x-A.x):
+                if abs(B.y-A.y) > abs(B.x-A.x):
+                    points.append(Point(B.x, A.y+sgn(B.y-A.y)*abs(B.x-A.x))); new_sides.append(s)
+                else:
+                    points.append(Point(A.x+sgn(B.x-A.x)*abs(B.y-A.y),B.y)); new_sides.append(s)                    
+        if (A.x != B.x) or (A.y != B.y):  points.append(B)
+        c = Connection(width, *points, sides=new_sides)
+        self.connections.append(c)
+        return c
+class Component(object):
+    ''' Generic PCB component.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, x, y, rot=0, name='',label_size=0.05, side=0):
+        ''' Constructs a Component object
+                x           X position
+                y           Y position
+                rotation    angle (degrees)
+                name        String
+                side        which side of board 0 for top, 1 for bottom
+        '''
+        self.x = x
+        self.y = y
+        self.rot   = rot
+        self.name = name
+        self.label_size = label_size
+        self.side = side
+        if self.side == 1:
+            self.pins = [p.mirror_x()  for p in self.pins]
+            self.vias = [v.mirror_x()  for v in self.vias]
+    def __getitem__(self, i):
+        if isinstance(i, str):
+            try:
+                pin = [p for p in self.pins if p.name == i][0]
+            except IndexError:
+                raise IndexError("No pin with name %s" % i)
+        elif isinstance(i, int):
+            try:
+                pin = self.pins[i-1]
+            except IndexError:
+                raise IndexError("Pin %i is not in array" %i)
+        return BoundPin(pin, self)
+    @property
+    def pads(self):
+        pads = reduce(operator.add, [p.pad for p in self.pins])
+        return s2d.move(s2d.rotate(pads, self.rot), self.x, self.y)
+    @property
+    def holes(self):
+        if self.vias:
+            holes = reduce(operator.add,[v.hole for v in self.vias])
+            return s2d.move(s2d.rotate(holes,self.rot), self.x, self.y)
+        else: return None
+    @property
+    def pin_labels(self):
+        L = []
+        for p in self.pins:
+            p = BoundPin(p, self)
+            if p.pin.name:
+                t = s2d.rotate(text(p.pin.name, 0, 0, p.pin.label_size),self.rot+p.pin.label_rot)
+                L.append(s2d.move(t, p.x, p.y))
+        return reduce(operator.add, L) if L else None
+    @property
+    def label(self):
+        return text(self.name, self.x, self.y, self.label_size)
+    @property
+    def shadow_shape(self):
+        try:
+            return s2d.move(s2d.rotate(self.shadow, self.rot),self.x, self.y)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return None
+class Pin(object):
+    ''' PCB pin, with name, shape, and position
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, x, y, shape, name='', label_size=.03, label_rot=0):
+        self.x      = x
+        self.y      = y
+        self.shape  = shape
+        self.name   = name
+        self.label_size   = label_size
+        self.label_rot   = label_rot
+    @property
+    def pad(self):
+        return s2d.move(self.shape, self.x, self.y)
+    def mirror_x(self):
+        return Pin( -self.x, self.y, self.shape, self.name, label_size=self.label_size, label_rot=self.label_rot )
+class Via(object):
+    ''' PCB via, with shape, and position
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, x, y, shape):
+        self.x      = x
+        self.y      = y
+        self.shape  = shape
+    @property
+    def hole(self):
+        return s2d.move(self.shape, self.x, self.y)
+    def mirror_x(self):
+        return Via( -self.x, self.y, self.shape )
+class BoundPin(object):
+    ''' PCB pin localized to a specific component
+        (so that it has correct x and y positions)
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, pin, component):
+        self.pin = pin
+        self.component = component
+    @property
+    def x(self):
+        return (cos(radians(self.component.rot)) * self.pin.x -
+                sin(radians(self.component.rot)) * self.pin.y +
+                self.component.x)
+    @property
+    def y(self):
+        return (sin(radians(self.component.rot)) * self.pin.x +
+                cos(radians(self.component.rot)) * self.pin.y +
+                self.component.y)
+    @property
+    def point(self):
+        return Point(self.x,self.y)
+class Point(object):
+    ''' Object with x and y member variables
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, x, y):
+        self.x = x
+        self.y = y
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter([self.x, self.y])
+    def __add__(self, p):
+        return Point(self.x+p.x,self.y+p.y)
+    def __sub__(self, p):
+        return Point(self.x-p.x,self.y-p.y)
+    def __rmul__(self,a):
+        return Point(a*self.x,a*self.y)
+    def magnitude(self):
+        return sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y+self.y)
+    def normalized(self):
+        return Point(self.x/self.magnitude(), self.y/self.magnitude())
+    @property
+    def point(self):
+        return self
+class Connection(object):
+    ''' Connects two pins via a series of intermediate points
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, width, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.width = width
+        self.points = [
+            a if isinstance(a, BoundPin) else Point(*a) for a in args
+        ]
+        self.sides = kwargs['sides'] if 'sides' in kwargs else [0 for a in args[:-1]] #0 is base side, 1 is other side
+        self.holes = None
+        self.jumpers = []
+    def add_jumper(self,p,rot=0,width=.12, height=.07,thick=.05):
+        self.jumpers.append((p,rot,width,height,thick))
+        return self
+    def cut_corners(self,idx):
+        for i in idx:
+            i,v = i #unpack index and distance
+            assert(i>0) #start corner numbering at 1
+            assert(i<len(self.points)) #no corner to cut at end
+            d = lambda p,q: sqrt( (p.x-q.x)**2 + (p.y-q.y)**2 )
+            dm = d(self.points[i],self.points[i-1])
+            dp = d(self.points[i],self.points[i+1])
+            #if dm > dp:
+            self.points = self.points[:i] + \
+                [Point(self.points[i].x-v/dm*(self.points[i].x-self.points[i-1].x ), self.points[i].y-v/dm*(self.points[i].y-self.points[i-1].y )),
+                 Point(self.points[i].x+v/dp*(self.points[i+1].x-self.points[i].x ), self.points[i].y+v/dp*(self.points[i+1].y-self.points[i].y ))
+                ] + \
+                self.points[i+1:]
+            self.sides.insert(i,self.sides[i])
+            #else:
+            #    self.points[i] = self.points[i] - dm/dp*(self.points[i]-self.points[i+1])
+        return self
+    @property
+    def traces(self):
+        #_pad_1206 = s2d.rectangle(-0.025, 0.025, -0.034, 0.034)
+        _pad_via = s2d.circle(0,0,.025) #s2d.rectangle(-0.025, 0.025, -0.025, 0.025)
+        _hole_via = s2d.circle(0,0,.016)
+        jumper_cuts = []
+        jumper_pads = []
+        for p,r,w,h,t in self.jumpers:
+            _jumper_pad  = s2d.move(s2d.rectangle(-.5*t, .5*t, -.5*h, .5*h),-.5*w,0)
+            _jumper_pad += s2d.move(s2d.rectangle(-.5*t, .5*t, -.5*h, .5*h), .5*w,0)
+            _cut = s2d.rectangle(-.5*w,.5*w,-.5*h,.5*h)
+            jumper_cuts.append(s2d.move(s2d.rotate(_cut,r),p[0],p[1]))
+            jumper_pads.append(s2d.move(s2d.rotate(_jumper_pad,r),p[0],p[1]))
+        t = [[],[]]
+        for p1, p2, side in zip(self.points[:-1], self.points[1:], self.sides):
+            d = sqrt((p1.x - p2.x)**2 + (p1.y - p2.y)**2)
+            if p2 != self.points[-1]:
+                d += self.width/2
+            a = atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x)
+            r = s2d.rounded_rectangle(0, d, -self.width/2, self.width/2,1.)
+            t[side].append(s2d.move(s2d.rotate(r, degrees(a)), p1.x, p1.y))
+        try:
+            result0 = reduce(operator.add, t[0])
+        except TypeError:
+            result0 = None
+        try:
+            result1 = reduce(operator.add, t[1])
+        except TypeError:
+            result1 = None
+        #calculate locations for via holes and pads
+        for s1,s2,p in zip(self.sides[:-1],self.sides[1:],self.points[1:-1]):
+            if s1!=s2:
+                result0 += s2d.move(_pad_via,p.x,p.y)
+                result1 += s2d.move(_pad_via,p.x,p.y)
+                self.holes += s2d.move(_hole_via,p.x,p.y)
+        if len(self.jumpers)!=0:
+            result0 -= reduce(operator.add,jumper_cuts)
+            result0 += reduce(operator.add,jumper_pads)
+        return result0, result1
+# Discrete passive components
+_pad_1206 = s2d.rectangle(-0.032, 0.032, -0.034, 0.034)
+class R_1206(Component):
+    ''' 1206 Resistor
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.06, 0, _pad_1206), Pin(0.06, 0, _pad_1206)]
+    prefix = 'R'
+    vias = []
+class C_1206(Component):
+    ''' 1206 Capacitor
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.06, 0, _pad_1206), Pin(0.06, 0, _pad_1206)]
+    prefix = 'C'
+    vias = []
+_pad_0805 = s2d.rectangle(-.023,.023, -.027, .027)
+class R_0805(Component):
+    ''' 0805 Resistor
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.04, 0, _pad_0805), Pin(0.04, 0, _pad_0805)]
+    prefix = 'R'
+    vias = []
+class C_0805(Component):
+    ''' 0805 Capacitor
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.04, 0, _pad_0805), Pin(0.04, 0, _pad_0805)]
+    prefix = 'C'
+    vias = []
+_pad_SJ = s2d.rectangle(-0.02, 0.02, -0.03, 0.03)
+class SJ(Component):
+    ''' Solder jumper
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.029, 0, _pad_SJ), Pin(0.029, 0, _pad_SJ)]
+    prefix = 'SJ'
+    vias = []
+_pad_SOD_123 = s2d.rectangle(-0.02, 0.02, -0.024, 0.024)
+class D_SOD_123(Component):
+    ''' Diode
+    '''
+    pins = [Pin(-0.07, 0, _pad_SOD_123, 'A'),
+            Pin(0.07, 0, _pad_SOD_123, 'C')]
+    prefix = 'D'
+    vias = []
+# Connectors
+_pad_USB_trace = s2d.rectangle(-0.0075, 0.0075, -0.04, 0.04)
+_pad_USB_foot  = s2d.rectangle(-0.049, 0.049, -0.043, 0.043)
+class USB_mini_B(Component):
+    ''' USB mini B connector
+        Hirose UX60-MB-5ST
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0.063,   0.24, _pad_USB_trace, 'G'),
+        Pin(0.0315,  0.24, _pad_USB_trace),
+        Pin(0,       0.24, _pad_USB_trace, '+'),
+        Pin(-0.0315, 0.24, _pad_USB_trace, '-'),
+        Pin(-0.063,  0.24, _pad_USB_trace, 'V'),
+        Pin( 0.165, 0.21, _pad_USB_foot),
+        Pin(-0.165, 0.21, _pad_USB_foot),
+        Pin( 0.165, 0.0, _pad_USB_foot),
+        Pin(-0.165, 0.0, _pad_USB_foot)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+_pad_header  = s2d.rectangle(-0.06, 0.06, -0.025, 0.025)
+_pad_header_skinny  = s2d.rectangle(-0.06, 0.06, -0.020, 0.020)
+class Header_4(Component):
+    ''' 4-pin header
+        fci 95278-101a04lf bergstik 2x2x0.1
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.107,  0.05, _pad_header),
+        Pin(-0.107, -0.05, _pad_header),
+        Pin( 0.107, -0.05, _pad_header),
+        Pin( 0.107,  0.05, _pad_header)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+class Header_4_skinny(Component):
+    ''' 4-pin header
+        fci 95278-101a04lf bergstik 2x2x0.1
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.107,  0.05, _pad_header_skinny),
+        Pin(-0.107, -0.05, _pad_header_skinny),
+        Pin( 0.107, -0.05, _pad_header_skinny),
+        Pin( 0.107,  0.05, _pad_header_skinny)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+class Header_Power(Component):
+    ''' 4-pin header
+        fci 95278-101a04lf bergstik 2x2x0.1
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.107,  0.05, _pad_header,"V"),
+        Pin(-0.107, -0.05, _pad_header,"GND"),
+        Pin( 0.107, -0.05, _pad_header),
+        Pin( 0.107,  0.05, _pad_header)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+class Header_ISP(Component):
+    ''' ISP programming header
+        FCI 95278-101A06LF Bergstik 2x3x0.1
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.107, 0.1,  _pad_header, 'GND'),
+        Pin(-0.107, 0,    _pad_header, 'MOSI'),
+        Pin(-0.107, -0.1, _pad_header, 'V'),
+        Pin( 0.107, -0.1, _pad_header, 'MISO'),
+        Pin( 0.107, 0,    _pad_header, 'SCK'),
+        Pin( 0.107, 0.1,  _pad_header, 'RST')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+class Header_ISP_skinny(Component):
+    ''' ISP programming header
+        FCI 95278-101A06LF Bergstik 2x3x0.1
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.107, 0.1,  _pad_header_skinny, 'GND'),
+        Pin(-0.107, 0,    _pad_header_skinny, 'MOSI'),
+        Pin(-0.107, -0.1, _pad_header_skinny, 'V'),
+        Pin( 0.107, -0.1, _pad_header_skinny, 'MISO'),
+        Pin( 0.107, 0,    _pad_header_skinny, 'SCK'),
+        Pin( 0.107, 0.1,  _pad_header_skinny, 'RST')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+    #shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.325,.325)
+class Header_FTDI(Component):
+    ''' FTDI cable header
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0,  0.25, _pad_header, 'GND'),
+        Pin(0,  0.15, _pad_header, 'CTS'),
+        Pin(0,  0.05, _pad_header, 'VCC'),
+        Pin(0, -0.05, _pad_header, 'TX'),
+        Pin(0, -0.15, _pad_header, 'RX'),
+        Pin(0, -0.25, _pad_header, 'RTS')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.325,.325)
+class Header_FTDI_skinny(Component):
+    ''' FTDI cable header
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0,  0.25, _pad_header_skinny, 'GND'),
+        Pin(0,  0.15, _pad_header_skinny, 'CTS'),
+        Pin(0,  0.05, _pad_header_skinny, 'VCC'),
+        Pin(0, -0.05, _pad_header_skinny, 'TX'),
+        Pin(0, -0.15, _pad_header_skinny, 'RX'),
+        Pin(0, -0.25, _pad_header_skinny, 'RTS')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.325,.325)
+class ScrewTerminal(Component):
+    pitch = .131
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.04, 0.04, -0.04, 0.04)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.025)  
+    pins = [Pin(-.5*pitch,0,_pad),Pin(.5*pitch,0,_pad)]
+    vias = [Via(-.5*pitch,0,_via),Via(.5*pitch,0,_via)]
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-3.5/25.4,3.5/25.4,-3/25.4,3/25.4)
+class ScrewTerminal3(Component):
+    pitch = .131
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.04, 0.04, -0.04, 0.04)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.025)  
+    pins = [Pin(-pitch,0,_pad),Pin(0,0,_pad),Pin(pitch,0,_pad)]
+    vias = [Via(-pitch,0,_via),Via(0,0,_via),Via(pitch,0,_via)]
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-5.35/25.4,5.35/25.4,-3/25.4,3/25.4)
+class JST_2(Component):
+    pitch = 2./25.4
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.5/25.4,0.5/25.4, -1.75/25.4, 1.75/25.4)
+    _pad2 = s2d.rectangle(-.75/25.4,.75/25.4,-1.7/25.4,1.7/25.4)
+    y2 = -4.55/25.4
+    pins = [Pin(-.5*pitch,0,_pad,'VCC'),Pin(.5*pitch,0,_pad,'GND'),Pin(-.5*pitch-2.35/25.4,y2,_pad2),Pin(.5*pitch+2.35/25.4,y2,_pad2)]
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-3.95/25.4,3.95/25.4,y2-1.7/25.4,1.75/25.4)
+# SOT-23 components
+_pad_SOT23 = s2d.rectangle(-.02,.02,-.012,.012)
+class NMOS_SOT23(Component):
+    ''' NMOS transistor in SOT23 package
+        Fairchild NDS355AN
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0.045, -0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'G'),
+        Pin(0.045,  0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'S'),
+        Pin(-0.045, 0, _pad_SOT23,'D')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'Q'
+    vias = []
+class PMOS_SOT23(Component):
+    ''' PMOS transistor in SOT23 package
+        Fairchild NDS356AP
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.045, -0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'G'),
+        Pin(-0.045,  0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'S'),
+        Pin(0.045, 0, _pad_SOT23,'D')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'Q'
+    vias = []
+class Regulator_SOT23(Component):
+    '''  SOT23 voltage regulator
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.045, -0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'Out'),
+        Pin(-0.045,  0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'In'),
+        Pin(0.045, 0, _pad_SOT23,'GND')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+class Regulator_LM3480(Component):
+    '''  SOT23 voltage regulator, LM3480
+    '''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-0.045, -0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'In'),
+        Pin(-0.045,  0.0375, _pad_SOT23,'Out'),
+        Pin(0.045, 0, _pad_SOT23,'GND')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+# H Bridge
+_pad_SOIC = s2d.rectangle(-.041,.041,-.015,.015)
+class A4953_SOICN(Component):
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-.11, .075,_pad_SOIC+s2d.circle(-.041,0,.015),"GND"),
+        Pin(-.11, .025,_pad_SOIC,"IN2"),
+        Pin(-.11,-.025,_pad_SOIC,"IN1"),
+        Pin(-.11,-.075,_pad_SOIC,"VREF"),
+        Pin( .11,-.075,_pad_SOIC,"VBB"),
+        Pin( .11,-.025,_pad_SOIC,"OUT1"),
+        Pin( .11, .025,_pad_SOIC,"LSS"),
+        Pin( .11, .075,_pad_SOIC,"OUT2"),
+        Pin( 0,0,s2d.rectangle(-.04,.04,-.075,.075),"")
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+#   Clock crystals
+_pad_XTAL_NX5032GA = s2d.rectangle(-.039,.039,-.047,.047)
+class XTAL_NX5032GA(Component):
+    pins = [Pin(-0.079, 0, _pad_XTAL_NX5032GA),
+            Pin(0.079, 0, _pad_XTAL_NX5032GA)]
+    prefix = 'X'
+    vias = []
+# Atmel microcontrollers
+_pad_SOIC = s2d.rectangle(-0.041, 0.041, -0.015, 0.015)
+class ATtiny45_SOIC(Component):
+    pins = []
+    y = 0.075
+    for t in ['NC', 'PB3', 'PB4', 'GND']:
+        pins.append(Pin(-0.14, y, _pad_SOIC, t))
+        y -= 0.05
+    for p in ['PB0', 'PB1', 'PB2', 'VCC']:
+        y += 0.05
+        pins.append(Pin(0.14, y, _pad_SOIC, p))
+    del y
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+class ATtiny44_SOIC(Component):
+    pins = []
+    y = 0.15
+    for t in ['VCC', 'PB0', 'PB1', 'PB3', 'PB2', 'PA7', 'PA6']:
+        pad = _pad_SOIC + s2d.circle(-0.041, 0, 0.015) if t == 'VCC' else _pad_SOIC
+        pins.append(Pin(-0.12, y, pad, t))
+        y -= 0.05
+    for t in ['PA5', 'PA4', 'PA3', 'PA2', 'PA1', 'PA0', 'GND']:
+        y += 0.05
+        pins.append(Pin(0.12, y, _pad_SOIC, t))
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+_pad_TQFP_h = s2d.rectangle(-0.025, 0.025, -0.008, 0.008)
+_pad_TQFP_v = s2d.rectangle(-0.008, 0.008, -0.025, 0.025)
+class ATmega88_TQFP(Component):
+    pins = []
+    y = 0.1085
+    for t in ['PD3', 'PD4', 'GND', 'VCC', 'GND', 'VCC', 'PB6', 'PB7']:
+        pins.append(Pin(-0.18, y, _pad_TQFP_h, t))
+        y -= 0.031
+    x = -0.1085
+    for t in ['PD5', 'PD6', 'PD7', 'PB0', 'PB1', 'PB2', 'PB3', 'PB4']:
+        pins.append(Pin(x, -0.18, _pad_TQFP_v, t))
+        x += 0.031
+    y = -0.1085
+    for t in ['PB5', 'AVCC', 'ADC6', 'AREF', 'GND', 'ADC7', 'PC0', 'PC1']:
+        pins.append(Pin(0.18, y, _pad_TQFP_h, t))
+        y += 0.031
+    x = 0.1085
+    for t in ['PC2', 'PC3', 'PC4', 'PC5', 'PC6', 'PD0', 'PD1', 'PD2']:
+        pins.append(Pin(x, 0.18, _pad_TQFP_v, t))
+        x -= 0.031
+    del x, y
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+#   CBA logo
+_pin_circle_CBA = s2d.circle(0, 0, 0.02)
+_pin_square_CBA = s2d.rectangle(-0.02, 0.02, -0.02, 0.02)
+class CBA(Component):
+    pins = []
+    for i in range(3):
+        for j in range(3):
+            pin = _pin_circle_CBA if i == 2-j and j >= 1 else _pin_square_CBA
+            pins.append(Pin(0.06*(i-1), 0.06*(j-1), pin))
+    vias = []
+class ESP8266_03(Component):
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.04, 0.04, -0.03, 0.03)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.019)
+    names = ['VCC','GPIO14','GPIO12','GPIO13','GPIO15','GPIO2','GPIO0',
+        'WIFI_ANT','CH-PD','GPIO18','URXD','UTXD','NC','GND']
+    w = 12.2/25.4
+    l = 17.4/25.4
+    wp = 12.2/25.4
+    lp = .5
+    dp = 2/25.4
+    ys = arange(.5*lp-dp    ,-.5*lp-.001-dp,-dp)
+    pts = vstack(( dstack((-.5*wp*ones_like(ys),ys))[0], dstack((.5*wp*ones_like(ys),ys))[0] ))
+    pins = [Pin(p[0],p[1],_pad,n) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    vias = []#[Via(p[0],p[1],_via) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.5*w,.5*w,-.5*l,.5*l)
+    prefix = 'IC'  
+class ZLDO1117(Component):
+    '''3.3 V 1 A regulator, SOT223'''
+    _pad1 = s2d.rectangle(-.6/25.4,.6/25.4,-.8/25.4,.8/25.4)
+    _pad2 = s2d.rectangle(-1.65/25.4,1.65/25.4,-.6/25.4,.6/25.4)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-2.3/25.4, -3.2/25.4, _pad1,'GND'),
+        Pin(0, -3.2/25.4, _pad1,'Vout'),
+        Pin(2.3/25.4, -3.2/25.4, _pad1,'Vin'),
+        Pin(0, 3.2/25.4, _pad2,'Vout2'),
+    ]
+    prefix = 'U'
+    vias = []
+class AstarMicro(Component):
+    ''' Polulo Astar micro
+    '''
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.04, 0.04, -0.025, 0.025)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.019)
+    #flip names since through hole
+    names = [
+        'VIN','GND','5V','3v3','RST','12/A11/PWM','11','10/A10/PWM','A1','A0',
+        '9/A9/PWM','8/A8','7','6/A7/PWM','5/PWM','4/A6','3/PWM','2','1','0']
+    w = .6
+    l = 1.
+    wp = .5
+    lp = .9
+    ys = arange(.5*lp,-.5*lp-.001,-.1)
+    os = 0*.13*(arange(shape(ys)[0])%2-.5)
+    pts = vstack(( dstack((-.5*wp*ones_like(ys)+os,ys[::-1]))[0], dstack((.5*wp*ones_like(ys)-os,ys))[0] ))
+    pins = [Pin(p[0],p[1],_pad,n) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    vias = [Via(p[0],p[1],_via) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.5*w,.5*w,-.5*l,.5*l)
+    prefix = 'IC'
+class Header_bldc_skinny(Component):
+    ''' brushless motor logic
+    '''
+    _pad_header_skinny  = s2d.rectangle(-0.06, 0.06, -0.020, 0.020)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0,  0.1, _pad_header_skinny, 'GND'),
+        Pin(0, -0.0, _pad_header_skinny, 'VCC'),
+        Pin(0, -0.1, _pad_header_skinny, 'RC')
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.06,8/25.4,-.325,.325)
+    vias = []
+class A4988_Carrier(Component):
+    '''  Stepper driver carrier black from pololu
+    '''
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-0.04, 0.04, -0.028, 0.028)
+    _via = s2d.circle(0,0,.019)
+    names = ['VMOT','GMOT','2B','2A','1A','1B','VDD','GND','DIR','STEP','SLP','RST','MS3','MS2','MS1','EN']
+    ys = arange(.4,-.4+.001,-.1)-.05    
+    pts = vstack(( dstack((-.25*ones_like(ys),ys))[0], dstack((.25*ones_like(ys),ys[::-1]))[0] ))
+    pins = [Pin(p[0],p[1],_pad,n) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    vias = [Via(p[0],p[1],_via) for n,p in zip(names,pts)]
+    prefix = 'IC'
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.3,.3,-.45,.45)
+class CDRH2D18(Component):
+    '''Power Inductor'''
+    def chamfered_rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1,c):
+        r = s2d.rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1)
+        c1 = s2d.triangle(x0,y0,x0,y0+c,x0+c,y0)
+        c2 = s2d.triangle(x1,y1, x1, y1-c, x1-c, y1)
+        c3 = s2d.triangle(x0,y1, x0+c, y1, x0, y1-c)
+        c4 = s2d.triangle(x1,y0, x1-c, y0, x1, y0+c)
+        return r-c1-c2-c3-c4
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-.65/25.4,.65/25.4,-.65/25.4,.65/25.4)
+    pins = [Pin(-1.5/25.5,0,_pad), Pin(1.5/25.5,0,_pad)]
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rotate(chamfered_rectangle(-1.5/25.4,1.5/25.4,-1.5/25.4, 1.5/25.4,1/25.5),45)
+    prefix='I'
+class LTC35881(Component):
+    ''' Energy Scavenger '''
+    _pad  = s2d.rectangle(-.889/2/25.4, .889/2/25.4,-.25/2/25.4, .25/2/25.4)
+    p = .5/25.4
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0, 0, s2d.rectangle(-1.68/2/25.4,1.68/2/25.4,-1.88/2/25.4,1.88/2/25.4), 'GND'),
+        Pin(-2.1/25.4, 2*p,_pad,'PZ1',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(-2.1/25.4, 1*p,_pad,'PZ2',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(-2.1/25.4,   0,_pad,'CAP',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(-2.1/25.4,-1*p,_pad,'VIN',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(-2.1/25.4,-2*p,_pad,'SW',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(2.1/25.4, -2*p,_pad,'VOUT',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(2.1/25.4, -1*p,_pad,'VIN2',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(2.1/25.4,    0,_pad,'D1',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(2.1/25.4,  1*p,_pad,'D0',label_size=.015,label_rot=0),
+        Pin(2.1/25.4,  2*p,_pad,'PGOOD',label_size=.015,label_rot=0)
+    ]
+    prefix = 'J'
+    h = 2.9/25.4; w = 2.8/25.4;
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-.5*w,.5*w,-.5*h,.5*h)
+    vias = []    
+class DSK414(Component):
+    '''Dynacap, ELNA, 220mF'''
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0,5.15/25.4, s2d.rectangle(-2.4/25.4,2.4/25.4,-1./25.4,1/25.4),'+'),
+        Pin(0,-5/25.4, s2d.rectangle(-2/25.4,2/25.4,-.85/25.4,.81/25.4),'-')
+    ]
+    vias = []
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(-2.5/25.4,2.5/25.4,-5.85/25.4, 6.15/25.4)
+    shadow += s2d.circle(0,0,3.4/25.4)
+    prefix='C'   
+class EECRG(Component):
+    '''Panasonic 1F, 3.6 V'''
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-.02,.02,-.035,.035)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(-10/25.4, 0, _pad),
+        Pin(10/25.4, 0, _pad)
+    ]
+    _via = s2d.rectangle(-.1/25.4,.1/25.4,-.5/25.4,.5/25.4)
+    vias = [Via(p.x,p.y,_via) for p in pins]
+    shadow = s2d.rectangle(0,0,0,0)
+    prefix='C'
+class EEE1EA101XP(Component):
+    '''Panasonic 100uF, 25V'''
+    _pad = s2d.rectangle(-.6/25.4,.6/25.4,-1.35/25.4,1.35/25.4)
+    pins = [
+        Pin(0, 2.2/25.4, _pad),
+        Pin(0, -2.2/25.4, _pad)
+    ]
+    #_via = s2d.rectangle(-.1/25.4,.1/25.4,-.5/25.4,.5/25.4)
+    vias = []
+    def half_chamfered_rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1,c):
+        r = s2d.rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1)
+        c1 = s2d.triangle(x0,y0,x0,y0+c,x0+c,y0)
+        c2 = s2d.triangle(x1,y1, x1, y1-c, x1-c, y1)
+        c3 = s2d.triangle(x0,y1, x0+c, y1, x0, y1-c)
+        c4 = s2d.triangle(x1,y0, x1-c, y0, x1, y0+c)
+        return r-c1-c4
+    shadow = half_chamfered_rectangle(-3.3/25.4,3.3/25.4,-3.3/25.4,3.3/25.4,1/25.4)
+    prefix='C'
+def chamfered_rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1,c):
+    r = s2d.rectangle(x0,x1,y0,y1)
+    c1 = s2d.triangle(x0,y0,x0,y0+c,x0+c,y0)
+    c2 = s2d.triangle(x1,y1, x1, y1-c, x1-c, y1)
+    c3 = s2d.triangle(x0,y1, x0+c, y1, x0, y1-c)
+    c4 = s2d.triangle(x1,y0, x1-c, y0, x1, y0+c)
+    return r-c1-c2-c3-c4