Links for Learning Eagle
for fab class '18 !
For Eagle and KiCad, the important thing to remember is that a schematic (symbolic representation of your circuit) is coupled to / but different from the board layout ('copper' representation of your circuit). What's more, both softwares use 'libraries' of components, that you will occasionally have to manage (especially if you're going to do something weird!).
We keep libraries of the components that you will find in the lab, here's a link to the repository for those.
To export PNGs from Eagle for circuit milling, follow the README document here and use this python script.
For a good write-up on how to use eagle, Sparkfun has
In the recitation we also covered the use of Design Rules - these will help you avoid designing circuits that you can't mill! For reference, to mill, 'trace spacing' (the distance between traces) should be at least 16mil (a 1/64" endmill) (mil = thousandths of an inch = 0.001" = 0.039mm). 'trace width' (the width of the trace) is probably happy around 12mil, but bigger is better! Drills and Vias should be larger than 1/32" (32mil).