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Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
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# MetaVoxels

Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
Tools for the design and simulation of metavoxels (meta-material voxel lattice structures). The objective is the inverse design of metavoxels using the base voxels studied in [DM3](
I am now using this gitlab project for documentation only, the code lives [here]( now.
<img src="02_Presentation/hierarchy.png" width="80%" /><br></br>
<img src="02_Presentation/overall.gif" width="80%" /><br></br>

<!-- <img src="02_Presentation/simpleBeam.mp4" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="02_Presentation/hier.mp4" width="40%" /> <br></br>
<img src="02_Presentation/5BaseVoxel.gif" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="02_Presentation/chi2.gif" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="02_Presentation/chi1.gif" width="40%" /><br></br> -->
<!-- - [Group]( -->
Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [Code Project](
- [Installation and Code Structure](02_Presentation/documentation/
  - [Tutorial](
- [GPU Parallelization and Scaling](02_Presentation/performance/
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [Structural Mechanics Model](03_Research/
- [Validation and Convergence](02_Presentation/validationAndConvergence/
- [Non-linear Deformation and Thermal Expansion](02_Presentation/physics/
- [Hierarchy](02_Presentation/hierarchy/
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [Fluid Solid Interaction](02_Presentation/physics/lbm/
- [Inverse Design of Discrete Mechanical Metamaterial](
- [Topology Optimization](02_Presentation/top_opt/
  - [Hybrid Cellular Automata](
- [Voxel Design Tool](02_Presentation/top_opt/voxel_designer/
  - [Inverse Homogenization](02_Presentation/top_op/../top_opt/inverse_hom/
  - [Multiscale topology optimization](
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- [Mind Body Problem](./02_Presentation/mindBody/
- [Toyota Seat](./02_Presentation/toyota/
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
## Robotics
- [Piano-horse (Drop Test)](02_Presentation/drop/
- [Rover](02_Presentation/robotics/rover/
- [Tendon](02_Presentation/robotics/tendon/
  - [Hydorsnake (old)](02_Presentation/robotics/snake/
  - [Walker](02_Presentation/robotics/walking/
    - [Puppy](02_Presentation/robotics/walking/
- [Morphing Wing](02_Presentation/robotics/wing/
- [Assembler Load](02_Presentation/assembly/
- [Swarm Assembly](
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- [Recursive Assembly](
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [Tendons Modeling](
- [Rover](
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- [Precomputed 5*5 cuboct Voxel](
- [Precomputed 4*1 chiral Voxel](
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- [Boundary Conditions](
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- [Hierarchal multi-material 3*3 Base Voxel (old cpu version (to fix))](
<!-- - [Precomputed 2*2 Chiral Voxel](
- [Precomputed 3*3 Chiral Voxel](
- [(Computation & visualization) 5*5 Base Voxel](
- [Old Demo chiral  voxel (Computation & visualization)]( -->
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed

## Desired Milestones
- [x] 3D visualization tool
Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [x] Multi-voxel simulation
- [x] Physical simulation comparison
- [x] Parallel dynamic ODE solver
- [x] Hierarchical simulation
- [x] One voxel optimization based on desired deformation
- [x] Inverse Design of Large Structures
- [ ] Inverse Design of Active structures (offline and online)
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
- [ ] Growing and Evolving structures (Path planing + simulation)
Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
### General
  - [x] fix pipeline issue
    - [x] create group for metavoxel
    - [x] port the code to different project
  - [ ] Merge metavoxel with dice stuff??
  - [x] Debug code to use latest julia and CUDA pkg
  - [x] clean the files and put app.js and app1.js and julia notebooks in folders
### Documentation
- [x] get the video you created and add it instead of gifs
  - [x] make sure the codec information is correct
- [x] Document cpu version and how to change the number of threads
### Demos
  - [x] different kinds of voxels
    - [x] add chiral voxel
    - [x] add auxetic voxel
    - [x] add compliant voxel
    - [x] search for one way bendy voxel
    - [x] Demo and .gif different types of voxels beside each other
  - [ ] fill mesh/frep with voxels
    - [ ] port swarm paper asd (voxelizer)
      - [ ] parallelize it
    - [x] fill frep
      - [ ] get the gpu thing and get data from function
  - [x] fix linked demos
  - [x] populate interactive demos
  - [ ] drop down examples from html instead of saving lots of html pages
### Scaling and Hierarchy
  - [x] comparison hierarchical vs detailed
    - [ ] madcat
  - [x] automatic elasticity vector calculation
  - [x] use parent data to get hierarchy information
  - [x] different scale voxels in the same simulation (multi-scale simulation)
### Interface and visualization
  - [ ] change export settings instead of lost of json to only one and see performance
  - [ ] change visualization to GPU to be faster for bigger systems
    - [x] graph based
      - [ ] show the labels
    - [ ] gpu based
      - [ ] finish implementation
      - [ ] fixed max num of timesteps
  - [ ] see way to show current timestep
  - [ ] slider down for displacement instead of animation
  - [ ] gui for boundary conditions
Amira Abdel-Rahman's avatar
Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
    - [x] basic boxes
    - [ ] export to json
    - [x] CMODS
      - [x] finish implementation
      - [ ] [node from the browser](
  - [x] show force function between nodes
    - [x] force graph
  - [x] show control graph
  - [ ] change to white background
### Differentiation and Search
  - [x] Redo the microstructure topology optimization
  - [x] use the compliant one to search for one way bendy structure
  - [ ] differentiation
    - [ ] inverse matrix forward methods/parameter estimation
    - [ ] [adjoint linear solve](
    - [ ] ensemble methods
    - [ ] [other](
### Physics 
  - [x] change recommended time-step to look at all lengths, E and areas
  - [x] Non linear behavior get the stress strain curve multiple points and use them
  - [ ] add collision/bins
  - [ ] add note about units
  - [ ] add detailed parametric study about the different values that can be changed and effect on convergence and num time steps
    - [ ] for ex: damping factor, stiffness, mass, time steps
  - [ ] Explore double beams 
  - [ ] Add definitions for other beam cross sections
  - [ ] include other integrators (better than verlet integration)