## 2020 12 10
Assembled one of these, have some hardware bugs but will continue to bring this online instead of revisioning:
- could use a third thru-bolt to get the planar constraint w/ the second half of the hotend-pinching clamshell
- loadcell to bowden connector does not clear (visible in CAD: move out or move up)
- m4 head-thru on top of loadcell on hotend not wide enough
- more pusher-part (extruder / top half) clearance to plate, notice misalignment / out of squareness at loadcell mount
## 2020 12 06
Did a bunch of development for this thing offline.

It's E3D hotend compatible, I'm using a Dragon hotend. Has a loadcell inline to measure extrusion force, hotend fan but no part cooling fan yet, etc.